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Komapper is a simple and powerful SQL mapper for Kotlin.

What is it?

Komapper is SQL mapping library for Kotlin 1.5.31 or later.

Komapper has several strengths as follows:

  • Support for both JDBC and R2DBC
  • Code generation at compile-time
  • Immutable and composable queries
  • Support for Kotlin value classes
  • Easy Spring Boot integration

Support for both JDBC and R2DBC

Komapper provides almost the same programming model for both JDBC and R2DBC.

JDBC sample code:

fun main() {
    // create a Database instance
    val db = JdbcDatabase.create("jdbc:h2:mem:example;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1")

    // get a metamodel
    val a = Meta.address

    // execute simple CRUD operations in a transaction
    db.withTransaction {
        // create a schema
        db.runQuery {

        // INSERT
        val newAddress = db.runQuery {
            QueryDsl.insert(a).single(Address(street = "street A"))

        // SELECT
        val address1 = db.runQuery {
            QueryDsl.from(a).where { eq }.first()

R2DBC sample code:

fun main() = runBlocking {
    // create a Database instance
    val db = R2dbcDatabase.create("r2dbc:h2:mem:///example;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1")

    // get a metamodel
    val a = Meta.address

    // execute simple CRUD operations in a transaction
    db.withTransaction {
        // create a schema
        db.runQuery {

        // INSERT
        val newAddress = db.runQuery {
            QueryDsl.insert(a).single(Address(street = "street A"))

        // SELECT
        val address1 = db.runQuery {
            QueryDsl.from(a).where { eq }.first()

Code generation at compile-time

Komapper uses Kotlin Symbol Processing API to generate code at compile-time.

You can define an entity class and its mapping definition class as follows:

data class Address(
    val id: Int,
    val street: String,
    val version: Int

data class AddressDef(
    @KomapperId val id: Nothing,
    @KomapperVersion val version: Nothing,

Kotlin Symbol Processing API generates metamodel code from the above code. Using the generated code, you can build type-safe queries as follows:

// get a generated metamodel
val a = Meta.address

// define a query
val query = QueryDsl.from(e).where { a.street eq "STREET 101" }.orderBy(

Immutable and composable queries

Komapper query objects are immutable. So you can compose them safely:

// get a generated metamodel
val a = Meta.address

// define queries
val query1 = QueryDsl.from(a)
val query2 = query1.where { eq 1 }
val query3 = query2.where { or { eq 2 } }.orderBy(a.street)

// issue "select * from address"
db.runQuery { query1 }
// issue "select * from address where id = 1"
db.runQuery { query2 }
// issue "select * from address where id = 1 or id = 2 order by street"
db.runQuery { query3 }

Support for Kotlin value classes

You can use a value class as a property of your entity class as follows:

value class Age(val value: Int)

data class Employee(val id: Int = 0, val name: String, val age: Age)

data class EmployeeDef(@KomapperId @KomapperAutoIncrement val id: Nothing)

Easy Spring Boot integration

We provide starter modules to make Spring Boot integration easy. You can write your Gradle build script to access H2 Database Engine using JDBC as follows:

val komapperVersion: String by project

dependencies {

Supported database

We support following databases:

Database Version JDBC R2DBC
H2 Database Engine 1.4.200 v v
MariaDB 10.6 v v
MySQL 8.0 v v
PostgreSQL 13.0 v v

Where should I go next?

Last modified November 20, 2021: Update sample code (f1cb3ea)